What is Parent Coaching?
Modern families face many challenges, often leaving us feeling emotionally drained, anxious, frustrated and fearful. Raising children is a big job and the more tools the better. The goal is to help increase the tools that you as a parent will have at your disposal by providing one-on-one parent coaching
It provides individuals or couples the opportunity to look at challenging family situations in a safe and supportive space. New perspectives, added skills, and fresh encouragement can turn frustration and negative reactions into proactive opportunities that allow you to teach your children a better way to respond to conflict. Coaching also supports parents in getting on the same page in order to set forth a more cohesive family foundation. When couples are able to support each other in their parenting, all aspects of the family environment are strengthened.
- Research shows that self-regulation is the # 1 skill required for all of life success and at least 40% of young children are missing this skill! By teaching you and your child self-regulation, you and your child are able to reach your highest potential and establish healthy relationships.
- Have you ever given in to your children just to get them to be quiet, or overreacted to your children's behavior and later regretted it? If so, this is for you! Discover this and more:
o New ways to teach the behaviors you want
o How to effectively manage your emotions, including guilt
o How to shift from fear-based discipline to one based on love
o How to increase your child's motivation to cooperate